Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Set Coordinates for Bob Dole

The politics of failure have failed.

And speaking of failure, please bear with me as I explore the basics of quantum blog mechanics, and expanded blog access for all of Kang's and Kodos' children (you). I hope that I'll have it all under control by the time you read this, but feel free to school me, those of you with prior blogsperience.

To recap: The next meeting of the K&KRB will take place on Tuesday, November 15 at 7:00 PM at Ann's place, the coordinates of which Ann will provide on her inaugural post. Pete chose as this month's selection "Perfectly Legal," by NYT tax correspondent David Cay Johnston. It's a good read.

As I sappily noted last night, I'm very pleased with The Brigade's composition, intellectual rigor, and overall willingness to cross party lines to attack/defend propositions based on the weakness/strength of the supporting data. I think this blog presents a fantastic opportunity to sharpen arguments over particular books, suggest further reading to expand the knowledge base, drill down to core issues in preparation for our live discussions, and waste lots of work time on our employers' dime.


Blogger mkchicago said...

My kudos to you Jeff for organizing the brigade and getting this blog rolling. I don't know how sharp my arguments will become, but at the very least I will waste plenty of my employers time and also post a lot of silly pictures (see above). -Mark

3:07 PM  

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